
Who we are.

Who we are.

 Hello, my name is Chanda Penney creator of Bodym3chanics LLC, a lifestyle inspired by health and powered by fitness. A passion driven from my own health and fitness journey to where I am now. Its more than exercise its about what makes your feel good on the inside and out. It truly is a lifestyle.

Sunday Funday!

Sunday Funday!

Hey Fit Fam! just dropped by to share my Sunday routine with you! Enjoy

Warm Up: 20 minute cardio (jog or incline walk)

Stretch and Engage: 10 jump squats to 20 meters walking lunges x 5 sets

                                  20 Dying Bug to barbell rollouts x 5 sets

Weight Circuit: 4 sets 8 reps (heavy) 

Front squats
Split squats 
DB Sumo pulse squats super set with DB straight leg deadlifts 
Front lunges super set with curtsy lunge 

Keeping up with Active Life Maintenance.

Keeping up with Active Life Maintenance.

 Hey yall!

Welcome to our fitness and wellness blog were will be will finding and giving tips to keep you motivated, healthy and increase your over all longevity. All information provided has been researched to provide accurate information to positively benefit if used correctly.  Now lets get into this weeks topic!  Keeping up with your active life maintenance. Oh no, I hear and "ugh maintenance" comment coming from your mind.....Yes just like any other machine your body requires routine maintenance to keep it running strong and healthy. Without proper care all that work you do in the gym will be...